Have you ever felt like avoiding a sales call? If you don’t yet have a sales process in place, this blog post will assist you in getting consistent sales results every month for your gym. Gym membership and personal trainer sales will soar with a few of my easy to implement questions, measurement hacks, and ‘non-salesy’ conversation tactics. Let’s get started…

Get the right set-up

When you’re not standing face to face, it’s best to approach a sales call in a similar manner. Get yourself a standing desk, put on your warmest smile, wear some earbuds, and position a 1-page sales script in front of you.

You might find the appointment setting process easier with some auto-dialer phone software like Zendesk sell, which makes calling inquiries, recording calls, and keeping good notes much faster for all personal training and gym membership sales.

The software can increase your sales volume and reduce the amount of time you spend on emails and typing new numbers into the phone. With each of these things in place, your staff can increase the call rate by over 25% per day.

Get Primed to Sell

Whether it’s 10 calls at 10, 12 calls at 12, make it super-easy to jump on the phone with a daily time-set goal. Make sure you clear any cobwebs on your gym membership or personal trainer sales script by rehearsing it with another staff member first.

Prime yourself with a strong coffee and set your goal for the number of appointments you wish to achieve….Don’t worry about the number of phone calls you make, track the number of connections; times that people answer, and the number of appointments you make when they do.

Allow yourself at least 5minutes per call, so you don’t rush the script.


What do you want to achieve in the next 12 months?

This open-ended question is a great conversation starter for gym memberships or personal training inquiries. At this point in the call, make sure to listen carefully and jot down the specific language they use, so you can use it later on the call ie. ‘I just feel flabby” or “I’m really unfit.”

Keep in mind that most people are pretty conservative about their goals. It could be that they want to fit into their favorite pair of jeans or look toned like a TV celebrity, but they don’t want to say it out loud due to fear of sounding vain or unrealistic.

Previous failures and experience shape what a prospect believes will achievable working with ….So make sure to find out more with our next point.

Ask Why

Finding out your customer’s REAL motivation will be the key to getting them to spend money and make a commitment to regular exercise. Ask them what the reason is for their weight loss or fitness goals using a curious tone- Asking ‘Why’ doesn’t necessarily have to be direct. It can be done in different ways like clarifying which celebrity they are talking about or discussing the event that they wish to look good for like a friend’s 40th Birthday party.

It can be really difficult to get your new member sticking to appointments that you set for them, without getting clear about their vision. Remember that asking ‘and WHY is that?’ a few more times; is a great way to help them uncover further drive and motivation,

Rescue them

Something along the lines of “Well, you have definitely called the right place because we are great at helping people to….” will reassure the gym membership or personal training prospect that you have experience and expertise in helping lost of people solve their weight-loss problems.

Don’t be shy! Talk about the clients you’ve assisted with similar problems in the past, or offer a quick nutrition tip, that you know has been effective in getting good results!

Remember, not only stating your knowledge but using a third-party endorsement (a past client story) can really show you’ve got what it takes.

Why me and why now?

You’ll want to make sure that your potential client is dedicated to turning up to sessions and getting the results.

You’ll also want to make it clear to the person on the other end of the call that you value yourself. If the person on the other end of the call is just saying ‘yes’ because it’s something for free and their not really sure if they’re actually going to make an effort; this sort of question will challenge them a little and keep them on their toes.

Here is how to ask them WHY NOW?

“So I understand you have been training at the gym down the road for about 3 years, so let me ask, why is it that you are looking to make the switch NOW?”

And how to ask WHY ME?

“Ok that makes sense – and what was it about our studio that made you book to come in today?”

It’s good to add a bit of background to the questions sounds softer. This will also tell you what the competitor was missing, so you can make sure to deliver your best.

Make a date and close

“The next step is to come into the studio for a quick tour, check out the facilities and I also want to dig a little bit deeper into what training you’ve tried in the past so we can design a program that works better for you”

“Would you prefer Wednesday or Thursday,”

“And is that the Morning or the Afternoon?”

Practice weekly

Sales are like a muscle that grows with practice, but also gets a bit soft after only a week rest, so make sure you keep your confidence and conversion rate high by doing a weekly personal trainer script roleplay or using flashcards with the 5 most common gym membership objections.

If you are a GYM OWNER that’s sick of losing sales and ready to set a new sales record this quarter, get in contact with me below: