As gym owners, you know that it is always a good idea to turn your customers into “raving fans”. But while many gym owners and managers focus time and energy on improving customer satisfaction, sales strategies, advertising, and promotion, it is easy to overlook the fact that without a passionate staff, all of your other efforts might be in vain.
Turning your gym staff into raving fans is one of the most rewarding aspects of owning a fitness business. Not only will your staff be loyal and dedicated to you and your company, they will also treat your members with care and concern. No amount of advertising would be able to replace the connection that your staff will have with your members. This is simply the natural progression of things when staff are happy about where they work.
How do you turn your staff into raving fans?
It’s not that difficult to do, but it may require you to change the conventional way you look at the employer-employee relationship. Gone are the days when people listened to their superiors without question or follow instructions just because they were told to. If you’re the type of manager who feels superior to your staff, this article may not be for you. But, like getting your feet into those stationary bike shoes, it could be awkward at first, but soon you’ll soon be operating on nothing else but good old teamwork.
1. Give your staff a reason to celebrate
Pick one aspect of your business that you want to highlight, and focus on excelling in that area. No matter what it is, try to always involve your staff in the planning and strategies used to achieve your vision. Hire trainers and let them know that you did so because they are the best, and that they will be a good fit for your studio. This will make them proud, and this pride will be shared by your customers, who will be proud to recommend your business to their friends.
2. Give regular feedback and rewards top performers
Forget about the once-a-year-thank-you-dinner, make an effort to support your employees all year long. Take the time to find out what each of your team enjoy by getting to know them better. Remember, it’s the little things that count — bring a coffee to a staff who’s too busy to leave reception, or hand a protein bar to the trainer who’s booked for five hours in a row without a break.
3. Have fun together
Find a hiking trail, take them indoor rock climbing, to go karts on a tough mudder or a yoga retreat. Doing fun physical activities with your staff encourages team building and not just competition. Outside of that, you can arrange for all of you to hang out over dinner or coffee or a few drinks, because that’s where the real bonding takes place. Remember the TEAM that plays together: stays together.
4. Take the ‘meeting’ out of staff meetings.
Just the word “meeting” could cause people to switch their brain off. Make your staff meetings short, fun, educational and about them. Your team will be excited to show up if they are going to learn something new, be supported in their opinions, and feel that they are contributing to a successful business. Ask them about what they want to learn, and bring in guest speakers who will interest your team.
5. Not everything is about fitness.
If you are only about one thing – sweating and lifting weights – it can be tiresome to the average gym member who isn’t so motivated to workout. Encourage your gym staff to expand their knowledge base outside of exercise and the fad diets. It may take additional effort, research, and planning, but the end result is generating more member interest and a better informed staff along the way.