This week, inside the Gym Owners Network, we had a great question: why do gym owners work so many hours? The Journey to Gym Ownership From my experience meeting hundreds of gym owners across Australia and New Zealand, it’s clear that we don’t...
A great question this week I git asked this week — Hey Steve, you seem relatively calm and composed. How do you stay like that around stressful situations running a fitness facility with staffing issues or member complaints? So I wanted to write down a couple of...
Today I wanted to take the opportunity to answer a few questions that have come through in our private Facebook group. If you haven’t joined us already we have a free private Facebook group for gym owners which is called the Gym Owners Network. There are 1500...
Hi there, I’m Steve Grant, I’m the admin for the Gym Owners Network, and I’m a gym owner like you, my gym’s based in Sydney. Today I wanted to record a short video response to a question inside of the group, which is, Do I need to achieve...
What is one ‘less commonly spoken about’ attribute that makes the best gym owners THE BEST? How you guys, see from Gym Hub we had a great question during the week just saying Steve, outside of marketing and the usual sort of questions, what is one less...
Hey guys, Steve Grant on the admin for the Gym Owners Network, and one of our goals is to try and provide more value, more resources, more free training inside of our group that’s actually better quality and our competitors would charge you for in their sort of...