The Instagram game has changed and its harder to get followers in this platform. Are you wondering how to get more Insta followers for your gym? Don’t worry, its not just you who is seeing less and less audience reach, everyone is.

If you want to get your fair share of Instagram followers, you need to create a fresh perspective and strategy. Here are 5 tips to help you conquer the constant change in the Instagram algorithm and get your gym more Insta followers:

1. Complete your Instagram profile and invest on its aesthetics
Pay attention to what your Instagram feed looks like. Your Instagram business profile is your first opportunity to make a great impression and entice your target audience to hit the “follow” button.

Imagine going through different photos in your explore feed when you browse using your favorite hashtag. Once you see something interesting, you move over to their feed and you wonder what they do? But if they see just a bunch of emojis in your bio, and the feed is all over the place, would you follow that person? Probably not.

How do we change this? Make sure to create a consistent brand story throughout your profile and you will turn your casual visitors into engaged followers. Your profile is a reflection of your brand and if you do it right, it will not be hard to convert.

Take note as well that your Instagram profile is now becoming your new homepage since more and more people are using Instagram instead of other platforms such as Facebook or Google. This means that you have to put in more effort into the visuals you put out for your gym in Instagram.

To create a great first impression, remember:

  • Your Insta feed should be consistent and followers should know exactly what to expect when they follow you.
  • Use Instagram Stories Highlights to introduce your brand and treat it like a movie trailer for your gym product or service. Use this to put your best content out there!
  • Have an eye-catching bio, focus on your target customer and highlight how your Instagram profile can help them.
  • If you want to go a step further, create an ABOUT section in your highlights and introduce yourself. This will allow followers to get to know you and your business better and know what to expect from your feed.

2. Get more exposure by using your Instagram Stories
You may not know this, but Instagram stories appear in the explore feed which means that people who are not following your feed also get a chance to see your posts, and if they like what they see, they might just follow you!

To make your story appear as a public Instagram story, make sure to add a relevant hashtag and add your location. Its easy, just click the hashtag and location sticker and add it in!

3. Get more followers by using the right hashtags for your posts
Think of hashtags as categories and classify your products accordingly. Also, choose hashtags with a purpose. Come up with hashtags for the purpose of your account, your target market, and your location. Then, you can also add specific hashtags like your gym name, or something unique only to you.

4. Get your gym featured outside Instagram
Spend time to promote your Instagram account in other platforms. When people see your brand online, they usually would look you up on Instagram even before they search for you in Google. Getting your business featured in someone else’s blog or podcast, for example, are awesome ways to get more followers. Always take advantage of this opportunity to plug your Instagram account and offer your link.

When you have a regular newsletter that goes out to your target audience, find creative ways to start linking your Instagram account.

5. Boost to a new audience
Although Insta ads are not as popular as Facebook ads, its not a bad idea to invest in boosting your Instagram posts by running your own ad campaign. Boosting a post in Instagram is not as difficult as putting out a Facebook ad and setting up a business manager. All you need to do is go into your post and click on PROMOTE. Instagram will pull in a similar audience to those who follow you and share that post to them and will appear as a “sponsored” post with a call-to-action button

The Instagram algorithm continues to make an impact and its important to be more and more strategic in order to get more followers. Hopefully, these tricks can help your gym stay ahead of the competition